hello gerry,

thanks for that, i had a look and found how to do it.
it's a longer method but at least it works.
encase anyone else has the need for such a work around here are the steps.

1 open nero and choose audio cd and click new
2 select the mp3 files you want to burn and add them to what is to be burnt
3 go to the recorder menu and select choose recorder, choose image recorder
[virtual recorder] and click ok.
4 choose write cd from the file menu the write screen will appear but when
you click on write a window will pop up asking you for a file name i just
tried it with some westlife tracks so i called it westlife leave the image
type on it's default and click on ok or save i've forgotten which it was.
5 when the conversion has finished click on ok and then on discard on the
window that pops up.
6 go back to the recorder menu, click on choose recorder and set it back to
your actual burner.
7 choose close from the file menu [not exit]
8 choose burn image from the file menu, when the window pops up asking for
the image name select the name of the image you just created, put your
blank cd in the drive and click on the appropriate button to start the
9 finally perminently delete the image file as it will be taking up the
same amount of space on the hard drive as it does on a cd.



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