I was referred to this list because I am having trouble ripping cds to mp3
files using windows media player 10. the person thought this list might
yield some answers.
As I said, I have windos media player 10 on my system which is windows xp
professional. Because I knew I NEEDED TO rip files from my cds to   MP3 TO
USE MY bookcourier, I went into the options menu of windows media player and
told windows media player that I wanted to rip files to mp3. after that, I
put a cd in the drive, and went under file to the rip cd, or whatever its
called. When I pressed on it, I was told that I needed an in coder or that
it was missing or something like that. It's been a while since I've done it.
So I don't recall the exact message now. But it was clear that windows media
player 10 was lacking the incoder.Anyway, I went to the web page for ms and
it said no incoder was needed for media player 10 as it was already
included. Feeling like I might be doing something wrong, I had two other
people do it and they got the same message.
Maybe someone here might know what the problem is. I know there are other
programs I could use, but I'd like to solve this one to determine which one
I'd like better.

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