Hi David,

    I work for the local Radio Reading service of Central Massachusetts. When 
I'm not doing the 9 to 5 thing I volunteer my time to host a radio program that 
covers a wide variety of blind related issues. The station is not net based and 
therefore I am not using Shoutcast. Simply put all of my broadcasts go from an 
analog board directly out over the airwaves. While the majority of my shows are 
prerecorded which gives me the ability to place nutty sound clips or effects 
after the fact I am planning on doing some live broadcasts. My plan was to plug 
my computer directly into the board and turn it into an instant replay machine 
which would give me the ability to play clips or sounds on the fly. I use 
winamp as my default player and am running Jaws 7.0. I guess I could just 
create a play list of clips I want to use on the fly but having to arrow 
through a list and select the sound I want to play seems like a bit of a pain. 
If I could trigger each sound clip assigned to individual hot keys it would be 
a cleaner and quicker approach when accessing the files. You had mentioned that 
assigning hot keys to specific clips may be something that could be 
accomplished with scripting. That's a most interesting idea. If you have any 
further input on how this could be accomplished please let me know. Feel free 
to contact me off list if you like.





Hi Mate,


Tell me more about your Broadcasting set-up.  If you are using Jaws, this

could easily be done with scripting.  I am guessing you are using Winamp and

the shoutcast plugin with one sound card using the what you hear as the



Greetings folks,
    I am seeking your input with regard to accessible instant replay software. 
I host a humble little radio program and would like the ability to instantly
play a few wacky sound effects on the fly. I am seeking a program that would 
allow me to line up 5 to 10 short sound clips and play each clip at the push
of a button. For example, if I had ten sound clips each clip would be assigned  
it's own hot key. Every time I hit any one of these ten hot keys the 
clip would instantly play. In the old days DJ's used to use cart machines and 
today use digital jingle machines to accomplish this task. While some of
these digital devices are semi accessible, most are ridiculously expensive. 
After consulting the net I noticed that several companies sell software that
simulate cart machines or today's digital equivalent. I downloaded various 
demo's of this type of software only to discover that nun of them are even 
accessible with a screen reader. If anyone knows of a program that would allow 
me to play sound clips at the push of a button, or has a solution   to my
inquiry, I would appreciate your input.

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