greetings to the list,

a friend of mine wishes to transfer 900 cassette tapes from his current 
archival collection.

His analog tape machine just broke, imagine that...

Someone posted about three years ago, a message on this list about a company 
that made a sudo tape machine to hook up to the pc directly. my friend does 
not wish to purchase another analog tape machine but does want the 
convenience of being able to transfer all of his existing library to his pc, 
with out the need of patch cables and the most direct method available.

He does have sound forge or goldwave so he can transfer if necessary but i 
am not aware of the fact if this unit that i remember has blind friendly or 
non blind friendly transferring capabilities or not.

I am not even sure of what this device was but i remember that it was 
designed for folks to hook up to their computers and transfer tapes more or 
less directly.

please, do respond to my friend mike buzboom off list as he does not wish to 
join the pc audio list for just this one question...

mikes e-mail address follows...


please tell him what you guys remember from this long ago topic.

Roger R. Cusson
Computer Access Specialist
Seeing Hands Enterprises - Lisbon, Maine
(207) 353-5007
Skype Contact: rcusson

A quote to live by:
"Any program that works perfectly, just hasn't been tested properly!" 

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