I knew I'd loose DRM but didn't realize I'd also loose wma.  Darn!  Thanks 

I'm not sure I'm going to keep this unit.  Don't really think It would be to 
sturdy with the hd.  I don't think I want to keep it in a pocket as the 
screen is exposed, even in the case.  Also, the headphone jack stick out on 
the top where it could easily get bent.  Also don't like the method of 
navigation, even with Rockbox.  I have already had some glitches in files 
I've copied to the player that aren't on the original files.  This is a 
refurbished unit so maybe the HD has some bad sectors.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith Gillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: Iriver H10 5gb

> HI Bob,
> You know that if you install rockbox you will lose your DRM and WMA
> capabilities. right?
> Cheers...Keith

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