RAV 8 list box on main GUI.
Tip for JAWS users. I am using JAWS 8.
Highlight the show or station in the list box.
The applications key will not work at the moment.
Two ways to get around this issue.
Use route jaws to pc cursor. Use insert+ left and right arrow
keys to highlight show name in list box. Do a jaws right mouse
click. This will bring the context menu list of options like:
Properties, tune to, start recording/download. When this context
menu appears do a Jaws PC cursor and then choose the option you
want by pressing its hsortcut letter like "p" for Properties,
"t" for tune to and so on.
The other method I found is:
Highlight the show in the list box first that you want to
activate/edit. Do an insert+ JAWS right mouse click. You will
hear right mouse locked. Press insert+ Jaws mouse click again.
The context menu will appear for you.


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