hmm, well I can't tell you much yet. it was gifted to me, otherwise I 
wouldnt get one myself.
So it's been a couple of days and this is what I can tell you so far, my 
wife is sighted  and finds navigating it awkward, but she's kinda slow with 
tech stuff, I can say that cuz  she's not a member. haha. but I'm going to 
ask her to sit down and see if I can make some notes, so I can use it 
things I like, battery life is cool, they say 24 hours.  but it's probably 
less, takes an hour to charge to eighty percent via the usb cord to the 
sound is really nice, my headphones are better then the ones that come with 
the unit though. they're sony clip ons.
I got the demo anapod explorer, so that makes  it pretty easy to put files 
on the nano. defenetly a good idea to purchase anapod explorer.
hmm, not sure if there are any other pros.
cons, things I don't like, the dam thing is pretty slippery, it's a shame 
they don't come with some sort of non slip cover, they really should.
there are a couple of reviews, if I can find them again I'll post them.
for part of the review they destroy the machines, they drop them while 
walking, running, riding a bike, from the car and so on. wow what they did 
to the first generation and second generation. they're pretty dam tough.
for the first generation, it was thrown from a car moving at fifty miles and 
still worked, they ran it over and finally the display went but it continued 
to play, so they ran it over again and i think it gave up the ghost after 
the second gen, the display  gave out right away, not a good sign, it was 
dropped while running and the display went white, but it continued to play 
just fine.
then they put it in the washer, let it dry for a couple of days and it 
played just fine. 

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