Hi everyone. I apologize profusely for the sickeningly long post to 
follow, but I thought I'd offer some tips. Despite some 
irregularities and quirks, I have finally made peace with the AOL 
Radio site, and in fact, it has come to be one of my favorite music 
sites. I'll share below what I have found using JFW8 (with the 
setting enabled to ignore Flash on web pages), IE7 and Win XP home in 
the hope that this will help someone else.

Before we get started, I do recommend that you get an AOL screen name 
and password if you don't already have one (it is free). Signing in 
allows you to use presets (although you only get five which totally 
sucks considering that there are over 200 stations!).  You need to 
make sure the AOL Radio applet is installed on your PC (not the 
entire AOL suite, just the AOL radio applet).  If you go to the AOL 
Radio site for the first time, it will guide you in signing up and 
installing the player. Your browser's security settings may stop the 
player from installing, but you'll need to allow the installation in 
order for this to work.

Now, off the main aolradio.com page, look for a heading that says 
Select a Music Style & Listen. Underneath this heading, pick a link 
with a style of music you like. What will then happen is that a new 
window will open up in your browser, which is the player window, and 
you will probably need to find the link to sign in, which you should 
do.  The music will start playing (yes, I know its not a station you 
really want, but I haven't figured out how to keep that from 
happening). You can use the minus and equals signs to raise/lower the 
volume in case you're unlucky enough to have it come up blowing your 
head off. Now lets look at the player window so we can pick a station 
we really want. Look for a heading that says Stations by category 
list. This list is composed of the name of each category, and each 
category is preceeded by a graphic which actually expands the 
category. Arrow through the list so you can get a feel for the 
different categories, but For the sake of example, let's pick the 
very first category listed, which is AOL Recommends. Arrow around 
until you hear AOL Recommends. Now arrow up once, and you will hear 
something fairly nonsensical like 
images/main_nav_plus2006-11-21_15-16-27 (the numbers may not be the 
sane on your system, which is okay). This is the graphic you want to 
press spacebar on, which expands and collapses the AOL Recommends 
category, a concept very similar to the Windows tree view. Now that 
we have expanded this category, we can arrow through the stations in 
this category. Let's pick the first station, which at the time of 
this post was XM '70s. Arrow down until you hear XM 70s. Now press 
spacebar or enter on this link. What we have done is to select the 
station, but we haven't actually told the player to play it yet. Now 
let's hit your control-home to go to the top of the player window. 
Hit the letter G three times to get to a graphic that says "press 
spacebar to toggle between stop and play". Okay, don't press spacebar 
here. This is where things get a bit interesting, but once you 
understand it, you'll have the whole thing licked. This is actually 
the graphic that stops the music. When you are listening to a station 
and you want it to stop, you could press spacebar on this graphic and 
the music will stop. Okay, we have a station selected, the 70s 
station, and we want to play it, so now lets press our G key to go to 
the next graphic. And what does this graphic say? Yep, it says "press 
spacebar to toggle between stop and play". Sound familiar? LOL. 
However, even though this graphic has the same name as the one before 
it, it does an entirely different thing. Press spacebar here, and the 
70s station should start up.

So in summary, the process goes like this. From the main AOL Radio 
page, pick a category by pressing enter on the name of the category 
you want. The player window opens, you are asked to sign in, and a 
station plays (probably not the station you want unfortunately). Now, 
in the player window, arrow down until you get to the list of 
categories, which are preceeded by a graphic which expands the 
category. Use the graphic above the category to expand it, arrow down 
through the list of stations and press spacebar or enter on the link 
with the name of the station you want. This selects the station, but 
doesn't play it. Hit control-home to go to the top of the window and 
hit the G key four times. Press spacebar on this graphic, and it will 
play the selected station. Remember that there are two graphics right 
in a row that say "press spacebar to toggle between stop and play", 
but if this were a perfect world and they were labeled correctly, the 
first one would be labeled stop, and the second would be labeled 
play. Got that? I hope this helps solve the mystery a little. I know 
my vacuous brain is making this sound more difficult than it really 
is, but trust me folks, this is totally doable if you understand the 
associated quirks.

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