Hi folks,

I just got a new Tripletalk PCI synthesizer, and boy am I excited. I'm one 
of those folk who have never been totally satisfied with the performance of 
software speech, especially under serious processor access times. But am 
having one minor annoyance with it. Apparently, unlike my very old internal 
doubletalk synthesizer, this thing puts out a good amount of juice,  and I 
can't connect it to the Line-In of my soundcard without experiencing some 
serious background noises.

Now, can anyone tell me either of the following. How I can connect the 
output of this to my soundcard so I can use my wireless headphones to listen 
to it privately from anywhere in the house? Or, b. how I might connect my 
wireless headphones to both my soundcard & the sound output on this 
synthesizer? And, I'd like to do any of the above as cheaply as possible.

I have this nagging feeling that the answer to either will be so simple I'll 
kick myself when I receive it.



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