
Wirless keyboards range in price from $20 to $300 and even beyond that.
They also come with different range claims, but my experience is that 
these numbers are not always meaningful as some keyboards touted with 
little or no range can do quite well.

as an example, I am currently typing on a list price $50 or so Logitech 
Ex-110 which I bought for under $30.
With careful placement, and connected to the pc via a Sabrent 2.0 active 
usb extension cable, I can pretty much be anywhere in our home or out on 
our wrap-around porch and use the keyboard.
I also have, in my arsenal, the 100-ft range Gyration GP6205fkm (around 
$250 or so) and frankly I don't get be5tter performance from it than I do 
with the Ex-110.
The problem with wireless keyboards, as with wireless fm transmitters, is 
that it has a lot to do with your individual set up and environment.

And then you have to do a lot of trial and error testing to get the 
optimum performance.
I am sure that I could do a lot better with Gyration if I did more playing 
around with it; but, from a practical matter, I rather carry around
a $30 kb for if it gets damaged, it is far less expensive to replace.
And wireless keyboards will have to be replaced sooner or later not only 
because of possible damage to the kb itself but failure
in the handshaking between the kb and the part plugged into your pc.
For general reader purposes: keep in mind that what I or someone else may 
experience with a given kb may not necessarilybe what you get with it in 
your home or work place.
So, for the first time user, be willing and be prepared for some 
experimentation and, yes, disappointment.
But for the convenience it gives me, 99% of what I do with a pc is via a 
wireless keyboard.

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