Hi everyone. I have to start by saying that I am not new to sound 
editing, been doing it since the Forging Ahead tutorials were issued 
for SF4.5 and have the updates for SF5 as well. In every version of 
SF since 4.5 until now, (on my computer), with every press of right 
or left arrow, while playing a sound, the sound jumps ahead or back 
depending on the arrow pressed, and the amount depends on the zoom 
ratio e.g. the higher the zoom ratio, the more the sound would jump 
forward or back. When you press enter, the file will jump to your 
current listening position so you can easily go back to where you 
began by pressing space bar to start and stop. Now, in sf9, (build 
A), the sound does not jump in any increments, except when I press 
page up or page down, which, incidentally, also jumps the sound in 
sf8, sf7, sf6, sf5, sf4.5 etc. etc. etc. my point being that this 
behavior has been in SF since the beginning most likely, in fact, a 
very useful feature no doubt. Those of you who have installed sf9 
build A, are you having this issue? They've changed the way which 
regions are labeled. Now when in version 9, Automatically name 
regions and markers if not playing  is checked, when you press r, you 
are immediately put in the label box for the region name rather than 
prompted for the name. You have to go into the regions list in order 
to see where the starting and ending places are. If you have auto 
labels turned on, "region 01, region 02, region 03," etc. will occur 
when you press r and you can type in new names but you're not 
prompted, just your screen reader will say "edit," or "edit box." 
hmm? feature or bug? :)

Curtis Delzer

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