I have a strange issue with the volume in WINAMP that I never used to have. 
In order to get WINAMP volume at a decent level, I need to turn my main 
speakers up quite loud. This makes JAWS volume way over the top. I decided 
to go into volume control and adjust my WAV volume so JAWS would speak 
quieter, and WINAMP would be loud enough. Apparently WINAMP isn't controlled 
by the Master volume, and when I lower JAWS, it also lowered WINAMP to where 
I could barely hear it. How can I get the WINAMP volume to be acceptable, 
and yet still have JAWS lowered enough that it's not yelling at me? I'm 
using JAWS 8 and WINAMP 5.32. I'm planning to upgrade to 5.34. I have a 
Santa Cruise Turtle Beach sound card, but there doesn't seem to be any place 
to adjust for volume there. Thanks.


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