I have a friend who asked me.  If I would happen to know what program would 
they be able to get ahold of for recording some records on to there 
computer.  So that they could then burn what they all had recorded on to a 
cd for playing in there home cd player.  Or in a friends cd player or 
whatever.  I was thinking of telling this friend of mine.  to either get 
total recorder witch the price of I forgot or gold wave witch the price of 
that I don't recall at this point either.  then I thought of audacity but 
was not totally sure if that would be the best program for doing that task. 
As a last resort.  I thought of sound forge as well.  But that I think would 
be on the expensive side.  But it would have a lot of nice features to make 
his recording nice.  He would like to get the best sound of these recording 
as possible.  So if anyone can pass along any ideas please feel free and I 
will pass them along to my friend.  I don't know how he is going to connect 
his turn table to his computer system or anything like that.  Or just 
exactly what his set up is or how is planning to do this so any advice or 
recommendations or help that you all can pas along that would be grate. 
Thanks to all ahead of time for any assistance that I may get on this.


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