Hi Rick

I cannot help but agree with you completely.  However, as people seem to 
want them, and because it is not going to take much effort at all on my 
part, I am willing to take this on as soon as time permits.
Brian Hartgen

SKYPE: brianhartgen
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick Alfaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 10:26 PM
Subject: RE: Freecorder toolbar and accessibility


I certainly don't want to discourage you from writing scripts for this tool
bar for those that want it, but my personal feeling is that the ideal
solution would be for Applien to make it more accessible to begin with.  It
would then be just as accessible for all users and not just those running
JFW.  Not sure how easy this is with tool bars, but it would be great if
user definable global hot keys could be added for most if not all of the
major functions.  This would make it truly accessible.

I do think it is a fairly useful toolbar and expect it will get better as
time goes on, especially if they are able to add Skype recording which isn't
particularly important for me but I know it is definitely something many
folks want.

--Warmest regards,

--Rick Alfaro

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Brian Hartgen
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:10 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Freecorder toolbar and accessibility


Well I now have the Freecorder toolbar working fine.  There would not be any

problem scripting this for jaws, as all the toolbar buttons can be built
into a vertical list, or shortcut keys built into them, or both, whatever
people want really, and that's the question.  Do people want access to this
program?  Is it going to be useful if I do this, baring in mind that it does

not record skype calls.  To be frank, I have held back on writing a few
scripts for version 2 of the product because there are other products which
record Skype calls and which are accessible, and where the developers have
obviously gone a long way to build accessibility into the product and I
think that ought to be supported.

As I say, if people think this is of value and they would like scripts,
please let me know.  But again, Maybe the developers ought to be persuaded
to build accessibility into the product.  It is new after all!  This is the
kind of thing Main Menu ought to be following up, and perhaps they would
have done in the live segment this week if problems had not arisen because I

know they were going to talk about recording with Skype etc.

Brian Hartgen

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