We are talking here about 'multi-track recording aren't we?  Not
multi-channel, which is what Sound Forge 9 does.

Yes, Sonar does seem to be the only choice for multi-track recording,
at least that I've heard of.  $300.00 seems a hell of a lot extra on
top of the cost of JFW for access to it, but I suppose if you are
actually earning your living using it, it may be tax deductable, or
else someone else is paying the bill!  If Window-Eyes is working well
with it, I'd better  take a look.

What's the state of play with Audacitywhich is free?   As far as I
know the multi-track facility hadn't been implemented beyond two
tracks a few months ago.


>From Ray
I can be contacted off-list at:

-----Original Message-----
Jerry Richer

     For multi-channel recording a lot of people use Sonar from
It works well with JAWS and the $300 scripts for it and many people
good success with Window Eyes out of the box.


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