From: Scott Erichsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all

Two pieces of news for you this time.

First, the T&T Blog and Podcast is about to start "broadcasting" once 
As from I think tomorrow night/tuesday, you will be able to get the 
posts from our Blog and Podcast which start in Australia.  Currently, 
Managing Director Terry Clasper is in Australia about to officially 
and open the new offices of our company with our Australian staff.  The
podcast will also predominantly focus upon the CSUN exhibition and
conference taking place in L A next week and I am sure Terry and Brian
Hartgen will both have good things to talk about there.

To get to the blog you can select the Blog and Podcasts link from our UK
home page at

You can go directly to it at

or paste the following feed into your Podcatching client:

If there is anything you would like covered in the Podcast please 

Now to other news.

For those who missed our appearance within Main Menu (where Skype let us
down extremely badly), please find the What's New in J-Tunes 3.2 
below.  This will provide you with details of the new features of 
3.2 for when it is released.

Enjoy ...

What's New in J-Tunes 3.2


J-Tunes 3.2 is the latest release of our interface providing a linking
mechanism between JAWS for Windows from Freedom Scientific and the 
music management system produced by Apple.

While visually appealing, iTunes has always been a challenging 
for which to provide a high level of accessibility.  We believe that we 
considerably extended the use of iTunes for users of JAWS within J-Tunes 
to be launched and released at the cSUN Conference on Technology and 
with Disabilities (Los Angeles) in March 2008.

J-Tunes 3.2 is compatible with JAWS for Windows 6.0 through to 9.0 and
iTunes release 7.6 and above.  J-Tunes 3.2 provides official support for 
Microsoft Windows Vista operating system but the interface can be used 
Microsoft Windows XP and 2000.  Anyone possessing a valid J-Tunes 
3.1 authorisation file will be able to upgrade to the new release free 
charge.  Anyone wishing to upgrade or try the evaluation copy providing 
ten minute trial will be able to download J-Tunes 3.2 from our web site 
at or or from our
distributors serving America and Canada, Next Generation Technologies

New Keyboard Support

J-Tunes 3.2 contains a new keyboard interface for executing many 
within the program.  Previously, functions were executed using
ALT+Control+Windows Key or Control+Caps Lock keys held down and a
key pressed depending upon the keyboard layout.

The J-Tunes Modifier Key is now assigned by default to the Grave Accent 
however this can be changed from a special interface created for the
purpose.  Alternatively you can add as many J-Tunes Keys as necessary.

Once the J-Tunes Key is pressed, the keyboard is frozen.  Any subsequent 
presses are passed onto the J-Tunes application rather than iTunes which
gives plenty of scope for adding commands and has the advantage that
executing them is very easy.  A user has five seconds to press any 
letter or
figure key on the keyboard to execute a J-Tunes function.  If no key is
pressed within five seconds, or if the Escape Key is pressed, the 
keyboard action is cancelled and JAWS confirms the cancellation.

As an example of how the J-Tunes Key is used:
1. Press the J-Tunes Key.
2. Release the J-Tunes Key.
3. Press the letter M.  The Music section of the iTunes Library is

Keyboard Help

Keyboard Help works in a very similar way to using the J-Tunes Key 
above.  Pressing Insert+F1 by default, followed by a character or 
will announce or provide using Braille output a short message describing
what the corresponding keystroke would do if you were to press the 
Key with the keyboard character.  As with the J-Tunes Key, the Keyboard 
keystroke can be changed or users can have as many Keyboard Help keys as
they wish.

After pressing the Keyboard Help key, a user has five seconds to press a
keystroke to receive the Help message.  Failure to press a character, or
pressing the Escape Key, will terminate Keyboard Help mode.

Hotkey Help

The Hotkey Help has been redesigned so as to make finding the required
J-Tunes keystroke easy to do.

Once activated with Insert+H, seven categories are presented each 
denoted by
a Hyperlink.  Pressing Enter on the Hyperlink will move into the 
category of
keystrokes.  At the end of each category is a link to move back to the 
index of categories.

Changing Default Keyboard Implementation

Within the "Setup" category available from Hotkey Help Mode, several
Hyperlinks exist so as to manage the keys to act as the J-Tunes Key and 
J-Tunes Help Key.  Pressing Enter on any of the Hyperlinks will request 
the user presses a keystroke which will represent each of the modes in
future.  Once pressed, the keystroke is confirmed using the JAWS Message
Voice and a Flash Message in Braille.  Focus will return to the Hotkey 
Virtual Viewer.

A further Hyperlink exists within the "Setup" category to return all
keystrokes to their default assignments.

Extended Support for the iTunes Music Store

The feature most often requested for J-Tunes is more support for the 
Music Store and we have brought it to you in this release of the 

Previously if the default J-Tunes interface could not detect the Button 
purchase individual music tracks, it was necessary to request help from 
seeing individual to help train JAWS as to its location.  This is no 
necessary.  In addition, entire albums can now be purchased directly 
the Music Store!
. J-Tunes Key then A will purchase an album together with announcing
its price.
. J-Tunes Key then B purchases the focused music track.
. J-Tunes Key then C checks the price of an album and announces it.

Podcast Support

Users of J-Tunes can now benefit from the new Podcast support with the
following features:

. Easily subscribe to a Podcast, such as Freedom Scientific's FS Cast
or the T&T Consultancy Ltd Podcast;
. Expand and collapse the list of Podcast episodes with a keystroke;
. Download an individual Podcast episode or all episodes;
. Open and read the Podcast episode Show Notes with the JAWS "Say All"
facility or by using the Arrow Keys;
. Subscribe to Podcasts directly through the iTunes Music Store.

Complete Access to the iTunes Options Multi-Page Dialog Box

While JAWS by default does announce most of the Controls available 
the iTunes Options Multi-Page Dialog Box, until this point visually 
people have not had access to all the text which appears on the screen 
each Control gains focus. This is either because the explanation for the
more complex functions is displayed below the Control, the Field has no
label associated with it or the Control is contained within a group 
makes sense to the sighted user but is not easily understood when moving
through the Dialog by pressing Tab and listening to the output.

The entire Dialog Box now has a greater level of accessibility with all
Controls and explanations conveyed to the user with JAWS.

Source List Components

The Source List is visually divided into four areas:  Library, Store,
Devices and Playlists.  As users move through the Source List by 
Up/Down arrow, JAWS now announces the area currently focused as and when 

Menu Bar and Shortcut Keys

Pressing the Left/Right Arrow Keys to move along the menu bar now causes
JAWS to announce the shortcut key pertaining to the focused menu item as
well as the menu item itself.

Improved Access to the Information Dialog Box

Pressing Control+I on any music track or Podcast episode causes an 
Dialog Box to appear containing useful information concerning the 
item.  The text can now be placed into the JAWS Virtual Viewer for line 
line analysis.  When within the Music Store, pressing the Control+I
keystroke in addition automatically copies the name of the album to the
windows clipboard so that it can be easily searched for when wishing to
purchase it.

Search Results Confirmation

When you press Enter within the Search Edit Field, such as within the 
Music Store, JAWS will now provide prompt information when the new 
results are ready for viewing.

Greater reliability

The way in which some J-Tunes functions have been implemented has 
Expanded/collapsing the list of radio stations together with moving 
to the Music section of the iTunes Library are two examples of where
reliability has been considerably improved upon.

Custom Scripts

Several people have wanted to extend the J-Tunes functionality by adding
their own custom scripts. This is now possible.  While of course the 
Source Code remains protected, Script writers can now add their own 
to the "ITunes.JSS" file assuming the linking mechanism at the head of 
file remains intact.

Extended Documentation

The documentation to support J-Tunes 3.2 has been extended so as to 
explanations of all the new features together with further details of 
iTunes functions as a complete music management system.  The User Guide 
is a
Microsoft Word document with heading structure and is installed with the
J-Tunes product automatically.

An updated audio tutorial describing how to use many of the new features 
J-Tunes 3.2 will be produced shortly after the product's release.

Scott Erichsen
Support and Training, Blindness Products

T & T Consultancy Australia Pty LTD.
Suite 2, Level 1,
795 Pacific Highway,
NSW, 2072

Tel: +612 9499 5705
Mob: +61402 226 099
Fax: +612 9499 5703

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Regards Steve
Windows Live Messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Skype:  steve1963 

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