On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:49:43 -0400, you wrote:

>How much is this software in US dollars?

Wow, that's very dependent upon daily exchange rates.  For instance, I
remember when the euro first came along, it had the same value as the
American dollar.  Since the dollar has weakened, I think it's now
about a dollar-and-a-half per euro.  But it fluctuates daily, so don't
take that as anything more than today's estimation.  But it's
something to get you started.

OK, I did some more research for you by going to Google and typing the
phrase "euro exchange rate" in the search box.  My favorite site for
this stuff, www.x-rates.com/calculator.html, comes up with a very
accessible from/to type form where you choose the currency you want to
convert from (in this case, euros), the currency you want to convert
to (in this case dollars), and then you fill in the amount and click
the calculate button.  The only problem with this page is that after
you press the calculate button, the form does not turn forms mode off
(JAWS) or MSAA mode back on (Window-Eyes).  But knowing that, if you
do it manually and then scan the page above where you are when you
click the calculate button, you'll find a new edit box has appeared
with the result of your calculation in it.  I'm guessing now, but I
think this is done so you can do many of these calculations and
conversions with a minimum of keystrokes.  Of course, for us, it's
more keystrokes, not less, but you get the idea.

Oh, by the way, the exchange rate this moment was 31.52 dollars for 20
euros, which is just a smidgin over a dollar and a half per euro.
Since currency rates of exchange fluctuate throughout the day, don't
be surprised if, when you try it, you get a different number.

Hope this helps.

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