I'm not the original poster, but here's how I interpreted his statements.

By "doesn't run as long as the original firmware", I assume he meant 
that the battery didn't last as long with Rockbox as it did with the 
original firmware. There has been some work recently on Rockbox and 
battery usage, so this may have gotten better or be getting better.

"However, newer ipods aren't supported; you'll have to look for an ipod 
video, nano, etc." I think is still pretty clear. Even if the iPod 
Video, Nano are considered new, that doesn't mean that the "newer" 
iPod's are supported. Here's what it says on the Rockbox.org site:

• Apple: 1st through 5.5th generation iPod, iPod Mini and 1st generation 
iPod Nano
(not the Shuffle, 2nd/3rd gen Nano, Classic or Touch)

Steve Matzura wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 20:27:13 -0600, you wrote:
>> I absolutely love rockbox. I have a 30 gb ipod video and, while rockbox 
>> doesn't run as long as the orriginal firmware, it speaks song names to you, 
>> and is really a good sounding system. However, newer ipods aren't supported; 
>> you'll have to look for an ipod video, nano, etc.
> Hold on, you just wrote two things that contradict each other, or my
> English as a first language ain't what it oughta be.
> You said:
>> doesn't run as long as the orriginal firmware, ...
> Did you possibly mean doesn't run as well as the original firmware? Or
> do you mean that after some point the Rockbox firmware stop working?
> Second, you wrote:
>> However, newer ipods aren't supported; 
> You then said:
>> you'll have to look for an ipod video, nano, etc.
> You wouldn't consider those "new"?
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