Hi all! I need someone who really knows about audio editing to take a 
crack at this one.
Old condition, new computer: normalize a one hour and thirty minute 
file: fifty seconds.
now, about 10 months later, almost three minutes.

I unload scanners, have defragged, un-installed "diskeeper," since it 
would go into it's auto-defragging mode when it thought I wasn't 
doing something and screw up recordings, so, bye bye! What else can I do?
All conditions the same, ... same chip, same OS, same 1Gig memory, (xp home).
Please, it would save me an inordinate amount of time is someone 
could help me solve this one. We're talking almost a 3 to one ratio of time.
Program, Sound Forge 8, (or 9, about the same amount of time).


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