This may be primarily of interest to UK subscribers, but I think the service
being discussed here can be accessed outside the UK.

Posted originally on Blind Audio, I'm forwarding this to a few lists as,
though not effecting me personally, I nonetheless feel Microsoft should be
made to listen and act positively in this matter.  (Direct email contact at
end of message)


Forwarded message.

Please do pass this around any lists you can, I need as much
feedback as possible.

Dear all,

Many thanks to those of you who have contacted me recently regarding
Internet Explorer 8, and the compatibility issues that Microsoft have with
embedded real audio.

I have two separate and long conversations with Microsoft IE8 technical
support over the last couple of days, and they have confirmed that there is
a serious compatibility issue.

To cut a long story short, I believe that those of you who received the
update for Internet Explorer 8 in the last few days (roll out began March
18) will only hear silence when accessing and any
other page on the Audio Network.

As yet, there are no plans for a patch to fix this problem.

I'm asking for your help in confirming this issue, which I am going to take
to Bill Gates if I have to.

Please would you let me know if you can hear any audio on the following web
page, and what browser you are using. It means a lot to be able to show
Microsoft that is is a real issue with more than one person.

Please try to listen to

Just for yours and everybody else's information, I did a quick count up of
the total page views and visitors for the Audio Network over the last 12
months. On average there are over 400 visits per day, and over the last 12
months visitors have opened up almost half a million pages  - I know that is
small compared to the "big guns" I am talking with, but I hope that those
kind of numbers might just show them that people are finding the site
useful, informative, fun, and a part of their lives on a regular basis!

Please pass this on to as many people as you possibly can, asking them to do
the same, and let me know the results by return of e-mail.

Thank you for your help and support,


Bill Tiel.

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