I don't use Golden Ear, and I'm not exactly sure where you're getting stuck, but hopefully the following will help.

To find all of the podcasts from the BBC, you can go to bbcworldservice.com/podcasts. The URL that ended up in my browser was http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/. Here you should be able to find the podcast you're interested in. For example, I clicked on "Factual" in the "Genres" section, and I was able to find the Digital Planet podcast. After clicking on the link for "Digital Planet", there was a section with a heading of "Subscribe for free", and I clicked on the link "RSS feed". I was able to use this link when subscribing to the podcast in Winamp and iPodder.

There's also a link on this page called "More help with subscribing" with a direct URL of http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/help. It doesn't list Golden Ear, but here's what that page says about generic feed readers:

Subscribe using a feed reader

RSS Feed

Clicking on this link will take you to the actual podcast feed page where you can subscribe to the podcast in various ways.

Some browsers may display instructions at the top of the page in which case simply follow them.

Or, you can copy and paste the feed URL from the browser address bar into a new feed in your podcast software or feed reader - just look for buttons or
links marked "Add feed" or "Subscribe".

On 6/3/2009 8:12 PM, Ketan Kothari wrote:
Dear Friends,

I am using Golden Ear and wish to subscribe to podcast from BBC.  How do I do 
it?  I cannot find URL.  Please help.  Thank you.
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