HI Joe what high end sound card to you have?
The reason for asking is I will be in the market for a new computer a short way down the road and would like to give it a nice sound card for audio listening and stuff like that? So that is why the question on the sound card and what are your likes and dislikes about it and do you think that you would still be able to get this card today or just maybe a different model of it but the same thing just newer cause yours maybe a bit older unless you have just recently gotten it?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe" <n3...@hotmail.com>
To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 2:05 PM
Subject: good enexpensive PC.mic

I'd like to spend $40 or less. I'm going to be using the mic only for speaking but I still want something close to broadcast quality. I know you can't get as good a sound with these little PC. mikes as you can with a $200 vocal mic, but some of them come pretty close. As I said, I once had a lab tech that sounded amazing and it was only about $6. I wish I could remember what one it was but its probably not made any more. If the mic you have is still available, maybe you could send me an audio clip of it. I already have a high end sound card so a good mic would be nice to go with it. Thanks. Joe.
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