well what O do is when i record from my turntable to the computer, I use cdex. I was told I can do that. the only problem i have with cdex is that the volume can be a bit on the quiet side.

john schwery wrote:
Randy, then, I don't understand how you use it? How do you record with the turn table? I would think some sort of software would need to be used.

earlier, Randy Tijerina, wrote:
Well I honestly don't use software. I like for whoever wants to hear a record from me to hear it the way it is. I find that if you use the fancy software you remove allot of the not just unwanted noise, but also some good sound too.

john schwery wrote:
Randy, so do you use the software that comes with the unit or something else? If you use something else, what do you use?

earlier, Randy Tijerina, wrote:
Norma one of the best places I know of that sells very good turntables is
I have one myself.

Norma A. Boge wrote:
Hi listers,

I'd like input on turntable which have the following features:

USB and analog outputs
plays 33 1/3, 45 and 78
under $150

I was also wondering about the units which have the turntable and CD burner in one. Can I presume if the vinyl is less than near perfect condition, it's better to use software to apply noise reduction, etc.?

Any and all comments much appreciated,

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