On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 13:25:30 -0500, you wrote:

>is there something out there that would turn my computer in to a jukebox
>so someone that does not have any computer skills could select and queue up
>songs to play and hopefully it would work well with window-eyes and maybe be
>free or not very expensive?

If they don't have any computer skills, what kind of interface would
you have them use?  Telephone and voice recognition?  Do you want the
ability to cue music to be local or remote?  Will the playback be over
local audio device or Internet-streamed?  Will the end user be blind
or sighted?

There used to be a device the size of one rack space whose name I
forget which was ideal for this very purpose.  The Windows or Linux
server shared an XML file with titles of streamable material and
streamed it to the aforementioned device.  The device itself was
Linux-based and there was loose talk about adding speech capability to
the interface, but unfortunately the hardware stopped being made and
supported, hence, so did the software.

There is a package from oddsock.org that will do what you want, but it
takes a good level of computer skill to set it up at the
broadcast/streaming end, and definitely a computer with a browser to
select the material from the user end.  Go to http://www.oddsock.org
and see if it's still there and maybe it might meet your needs.

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