1.  Press  alt plus f.
2. Arrow to "main window" and [press enter. You probably don't have the main window option checked on.

3.  Press alt plus f again.
4. Arrow down to "play list editer" and make sure it is not checked. If it is, press enter on it.
5.  Press alt plus f again.
Arrow to equalizer and make sure it is not checked. If it is press enter.

6.  Press alt  plus f again.
7. Arrow down to "media library" and make sure it is not checked. If it is, press enter.

This is how I solved the same problem you are currently having on a machine of my own.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ray T. Mahorney" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 7:54 PM
Subject: winamp 5.56 not playing

just installed it for the asx support but when I run it the keyboard shortcuts such as l to open a file are not responding. Didn't see this on the netbook but I am seeing it on my desktop. I also do not see the windows which are checked such as the main window or the playlist editor
Ray T. Mahorney

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