From:   Jeff Bishop     

New StationPlaylist Studio Scripts have been released for Window-Eyes.
I want to first thank a number of people for their feedback and assistance in 
shaping the next major release of the Studio Scripts:
Jared Rimer for endless hours in testing and suggestions.  He pushed the limits 
of how he uses Studio in areas I never would have thought of and uncovered a 
number of bugs that required attention.
Brian Hartgen for valuable feedback in his review of the earlier versions of 
the scripts.
Here are the changes since the last announcement here on the list:
Added many new hotkeys:
Control-Windows-Alt-K - Hotkey Global State Manager. It allows you to configure 
each key to either be Global or only tied to the StationPlaylist Studio 
application. In addition, you can silence many keys from speaking after 
pressing the key. 
Control-Windows-Alt-M - Open the StationPlaylist Studio Messages Maintenance 
window. Edit all of the messages spoken by the scripts for different levels of 
verbosity provided by the Window-Eyes Menu Level.
Control-Shift-P - Virtualize the Pop Up Track properties seen when hovering on 
the Track Icon with the mouse.
Control-Alt-Windows-P - Open a comprehensive StationPlaylist Studio Scripts 
Preferences dialog to manage all configuration options within the scripts.
Control-Windows-D - Toggle Script Debug Mode on and off.
Control-Insert-T - Toggle Braille Clock Time display mode on and off. Show a 
continual updating time clock on your display after a double press of the 
Window-Eyes time hotkey.
Control-Alt-Windows-H - Custom Track List Reading Settings: 
Manage the columns spoken when arrowing through the Track List. 
Manage the order the specified columns are spoken in when arrowing through the 
Track List. 
Manage on a per column basis the column headers spoken. 
Control-Windows-H - Custom Track List Reading Mode.  Toggle the custom handling 
of speaking items in the Track/Play list when moving through the list with the 
arrow keys.
Control-` - Enhanced Arrow Keys. Toggle this mode on and off to have Windows 
7-like arrow key movement from column to column in the track list:
Up/Down Arrow - Read the current column on the next or previous track in the 
track list. When you reach the top or bottom of the Track List then you will be 
notified with Top/Bottom messages. 
Left/Right Arrow - Move across the configured Track List columns defined. This 
means that if you have removed columns from speaking in the Custom Track List 
Settings dialog then these columns will be skipped. 
Home - Move to the first column. 
End - Move to the last column. 
Escape - Exit Enhanced Arrow key mode. 
 Control-Alt-Windows-I - This key opens the Time Interval Settings dialog to 
adjust very sensitive settings that affect the operation of the scripts. Use 
this with caution.
F - This key searches for a track within the track list in a forward direction.
Shift-F - This key searches for a track within the track list in a backward 
Control-Alt-Windows-N - Add a new Note. 
Control-Alt-Windows-Comma (,) - Review and remove all notes added. 
Enhanced support for the Set Temporary Cue command (Control-Shift-C) to provide 
for a richer experience. As the scroll bar is changed the Date Time Picker 
control time values are spoken.
The Output/Recording Tab, OGG Vorbis Quality options spin box control now 
speaks the bit rates as the arrow keys are moved.
Volume reduction DB levels are now read as each TrackBar is moved with the 
arrow keys.
Qwitter key conflict support is now integrated into the scripts. It is now 
possible to automagically move conflicting key assignments to new keys.
All time calculations now account for hours, minutes and seconds. This allows 
for the monitoring of very long tracks in the Playlist.
Time announcements now only speak portions required based upon the time 
retrieved. No longer will you hear hour, minute or second announcements if they 
don't apply to the given time retrieved.
Added logic to restore minimized to system tray window using the System Tray 
icon and allowed both XP and Windows 7 clients to work with this level of 
Many enhancements to insure compatibility with Studio have been made when 
Studio is minimized to the system tray.
The Window-Eyes Time hotkey has changed in this release. In prior versions a 
double press of the key spoke the standard Window-Eyes time (or the normal 
behavior of the time key). Now, a double press of the key now speaks the Hour, 
Minute and Second as reported by Studio's clock (the on screen displayed 
value). If the value can not be found then the Window-Eyes time command is 
issued. If you wish to get the normal time behavior back of the Window-Eyes 
hotkey then move this functionality to a new key. You will also need to assign 
the DateTime action back to insert-t. 
The Alert Time Settings dialog now allows you to configure the file played for 
warning events. In addition, on startup of the script logic has been added to 
check for the file configured and if the configuration entry is blank then it 
defaults to the file provided by the scripts. An additional check has been 
added to insure the file exists and if not then turns off the playing of the 
warning file. 
All cart keys are now silent when pressed accept when in Cart Learn Mode. This 
affects all assignable cart keys. 
Many other changes are included in this release.  Consult the full manual for 
more details.  It can be found at:
Download version 2.0 of the scripts from:

Regards Steve
MSN Messenger:
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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