To move a minute is control and left and right arrows. (There is a list of shortcuts in the help I think) There is a better way of making cuts on one file than saving the individual bits for later editing. 1. Make sure you're in Scene mode (found in Tools menu, Options.). Then go to Edit menu and look in the General tab of Preferences. You need to tick the option 'Queue to batch clears cuts' (This makes sure that once you've selected a scene and sent it to the batch queue, the main file is clear for more editing, without needing reloaded.
2. Go to the tools menu and find Batch Manager.
3. Set destination folder (for files) It might be useful here to give a prefix for each file e.g. cut.
4. Return to the main screen by tabbing to 'Done'.
5. Make your first scene by marking it's beginning and end. (Once you have your start and end points individually, right click or press the context menu key and choose set start or end respectively.) Then press the context menu again and choose 'Selection' (3rd one down.) 6. Press control 'b' - this will send the file to the batch manager. A save window comes up - here you can add a filename if you wish to the path. 7. Once you have pressed save, the file is saved to the batch list and the main file remains intact and ready for your next scene to be defined. 8. Once you've defined all your scenes, go into the batch manager again (Tools menu) and tab round to save and execute. You can save a batch file first, then the program goes about making all the files from your main file (without doing it any harm.)

I've found that it doesn't always work unless you keep the path suggested by the save window - you can however make alterations to the file name at the end of the path.)

Hope this helps.
Gordon McFarlane
From: "Ford Blackwell" <blackwe...@ameritech.net>
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:22 AM
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Subject: Re: Help With Video Redo TV Suite

Try this:

1.  open the file in the file menu.
2. start a cut whereever you want to start it and put a finish mark right before the place that you want to save.

3. move past the part you want to save and start a new cut and move to the end of the file and put in an end marker.

4. Hit cut selections and save the file in a diferrent location from where you have your original file saved.

5. Repeat this process as many times as sections you want to save from the original saving to separate and distinct files with each save.

It's time consuming to do it this way, but you preserve your original file in case you make a mistake and have to start over.

Then combine the files and use whatever program to burn the resulting file(s).

You can move frame by frame by holding down the left and right arrows for finer movements. I wish I knew a way to move in say one minute increments and five minute increments, but I haven't taken the time to figure that out.

Hope this helps.  Let me know if I can help further.

Ford Blackwell
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob" <rarm...@mindspring.com>
To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 6:02 PM
Subject: Help With Video Redo TV Suite

I have a trial copy of Video Redo TV Suite. I expect to buy it, but I need
a little help manually editing a long video.

Here is the scenario.  The video I captured from the internet has several
sections that I want to keep with discard stuff between them.  I want to
save each selected section to a separate file or project so I can rearrange
the sections when I burn them to a DVD.

For the editing, I found that page-up and page-down move in fairly large
time intervals.  I know there are keyboard shortcuts to move in smaller
increments, but JAWS 11 will not read the keystrokes from the help file. It reads the descriptions, but not the keystrokes. I appreciate any help with
the keystrokes or tips to get JAWS to read them in the help file.

I also appreciate suggestions on the process to save the video sections and
then add them to a DVD in a different order.

Thanks for your help. I know I am starting with a rather complex project.

Rob Armstrong

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