Hi gang!

Looking for an energy efficient way to stream audio from point A to B? Well I can think of acouple of ways off the top of my head but using an Iphone or an Ipad to stream your music library around the house would have to be one of the most efficient ways to do it and to save quite a bit of money in tern as you don't need a computer, just your network and network gear such as modems and gateways run off the smell of an oily rag <smile>

Audio streaming from an iPhone or an iPad is usually done through Apple's "airplay" facility and you can use a compatible receiver to receive the stream, say an Airport Express, Apple TV, compatible amp or surround-sound receiver or another computer if you so desire.

Under IOS5 "Airplay" streaming is grately enhanced particularly for those who use voiceover, Voiceover is no longer streamed alongside your music thus you can control everything directly from your IOS device which allows the possibility of multi tasking - allowing the stream to play in the background whilst getting on with writing/reading Email or whatever.

I have both an iPhone 3GS and original iPad here, "Airplay" works well on each device though I have had some trouble with the iPhone 3GS and "Airplay" from time-to-time, I suspect this is due to interference on the network caused by another wi-fi network not far from here, the iPhone uses the G protocol rather than N and this may have something to do with it too!

I recently did some Tweaking and changed the wireless G channels on my Airport Time Capsule which is my base station and since that time I'e not noticed the interference problem again so perhaps that's that one fixed and dealt with <smile>.

sent from my HP Powerhouse Notebook.

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