People keep telling me it's easy. The only hard thing I here is the set up.
I want to do this too with either a XPS laptop, or a XPS desktop. I want
this kind of lap top. The 17 intch one. Please be sure to tell me more about
it off list at when you get it. So any ways, Larry
Scutchan did some Media Center pod casts on in 2006.
Now this does mean that it'll be Windows XP, but I should  think that the
process of watching TV with Media Center should be some what the same. At
least from what I here it is any ways. The only problem will be if you're
using Comcast because of the way they do things. But we can talk more of
this off list if you want, but this is one of the things I have to find out.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Mary Otten
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 6:15 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: over the air tv on a win 7 machine?

I'm thinking about purchasing a Windows 7 laptop, one of whose optional add
ons is a 50 dollar tv tuner card. I have never used Win 7 but am interssted
in the Del xps for its superior audio and wondered if anybody has any
experience with the accessibility of tv via these add on tuner cards and, I
would assume Windows Media center or whatever they call it under Win 7. 


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