Have you gone in and set up your hot keys in FooBar yet? Here's a post
that was sent to this list a little while ago with some instructions on
how to set up hot keys in FooBar. It's a bit tedious, but if you take
the time, you can get FooBar to do pretty much what you want!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fw: Tips on using Foobar 2000
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 22:54:59 -0600
From: Brett Boyer <bboyer...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>

This was a message sent from a year or two ago by Christopher. He explains
the process quite well.
Read on!

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Christopher Chaltain" To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
> <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
To set up a keyboard short cut, you can do the following:
> 1) Start FooBar2000 and use control-p to bring up Preferences.
> 2) Arrow down to Keyboard Shorcuts.
> 3) If you tab over about 5 times, you'll end up on the list of the
> keyboard shortcuts already defined.
> Arrowing down this list will select the different keyboard shortcuts and
> give you the chance to edit them.
> 4) Probably the first thing you want to do is tab over once more to the
> Add New button. clicking on this button will add a keyboard shortuct to
> your list of keyboard shortcuts with none of the values set.
> 5) Shift-tab back to the list of keyboard shortcuts and arrow down to
> the bottom of the list. You should hear an entry that has three values
> not set. Make sure you do this step or you could potentially be editing
> a shortcut you didn't intend to change. I'm speaking from experience here.
> 6) Tab over about three times and you'll end up on the list of all of
> the functions you could associate with a shortcut key. For example,
> you'll have options like "volume up", "volume down", "seek ahead by 30
> seconds" and "seek back by 2 minutes". This list is huge, so you can tab
> over twice to the filter field and type in something like "seek" or
> "volume" to get just those items that have that string in them. After
> entering a string in the filter field, shift-tab twice to get back to
> the subset of functions containing just that string.
> 7) Select the function you want to associate with a shortcut key and tab
> over once. This is where it gets a little tricky. You'll hear a more
> detailed description of the function you selected, but you're really in
> an edit field where you're going to choose the key you want to associate
> with this function. Be careful here, if you hit the space bar than the
> space bar will be associated with whatever function you selected.
> Suppose you chose the function "volume mute" and then you associated the
> space bar with this function. Now whenever you hit the space bar in
> FooBar2000, the volume will be muted, even when you're typing in the
> title of a track. FooBar2000 will warn you when you try to associate a
> common place key, such as up, down, left, right, space, ..., with a
> function.
> 8) There's a box where it you can make this a global key. I haven't used
> this option, but I assume this will let you use that keyboard shortcut
> even when FooBar2000 doesn't have the focus. Again, be careful here.
> 9) After setting up a shortcut key you can then arrow over to the list
> of shortcut keys to change or review anything you've done. Once you have
> the keys set up you want then just tab over to the Close button and
> you're done.
> 10) After you've set up some keys, like seek ahead, seek back, volume
> up, volume down, ..., go ahead and give them a spin. If you don't like
> them, you can always go back and change them. One thing I haven't taken
> the time to do is figure out how to have those keys passed straight
> through to FooBar2000. So for example, I'll often have to use insert-3
> in JFW to have the next key passed through to FooBar2000.
> I hope this helps. If anyone has any other specific questions, just ask.

Christopher (CJ)

On 21/12/11 11:20, Casey wrote:
> Hi I would like to give foobar 2000 a try for playing MP3 files and the
> like.
> But I would like to be able to have it  be kind of like win amp.
> Where you can stop and play and have some control over those features
> and even a pause feature would be nice as well.
> So how do you make this happen?
> Also how can you make foobar open to just a foobar window and not the
> play list window that it opens with bye default?
> Or is this what it is supposed to do?

Christopher (CJ)

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