This is good news. Though, I think that for completion's sake if nothing
else, they should fix that. Can you bounce tracks easily? I don't even
really know what it means, but I know it's a multi track thing so, I just
wandered. I'd really love one of these recorders. For the full Blu-Ray 96000
KHZ 24 Byt quality more then anything.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of matt diemert
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 11:37 PM
Subject: Olympus LS 100 as multi track recorder.

Evening all,
Just thought I'd give some feed back on the LS 100 as a multi track
recorder.  While it is true that the multi track options are not spoken, the
recorder is set up so that a different pitch beep is heard when arrowing up
or down through tracks. Also, the function keys are numbered and do certain
tasks such as Mute mix down, and setup for two channel recording. After
working with the device now for two weeks, I feel as if I can put together a
decent multi track project. I've included a link to something I've recorded,
nothing special as I played each of the instruments and did the vocals, but
it'll give you an idea of the quality of the recorder and how possible it is
to put 4 or 5 tracks down and  mix down. The recorder is very quiet, and
keep in mind that this is an MP3 at this point so the original wave sounds
much much better.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, and I'll be happy
to assist with anything I can.

Warm Regards:
Matt Diemert

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