Hello Ray just wondering.
Since you have gotten a lap top with windows 7.
Or know someone who has let you see there laptop with windows 7 on it.
I am going to asking you this providing they you are using a laptop at times. So if you have purchased one what brand did you decide to go with or doesn't really matter to you witch brand it is?
Also did you try some audio on the laptop before you purchased it?
Because I am looking in to getting a laptop so I can have one encase the desktop goes down. But what I am finding is that when you are looking at laptops I load up narrator and see how the volume of the voice speaking is and how loud you can get it.
If you can hear the speech well or fairly well.
Then to me it would have some decent audio.
So how did you make you laptop select and what would you like to see improved on your laptop?
If it could be improved?

On 8/16/2012 1:21 PM, Ray T. Mahorney wrote:
to get it to capture streams on a 32 bit win 7 laptop what if any settings do I 
need to alter?
Ray T. Mahorney

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