it doesn't matter if you go into the setting dialog or not, btw it's the effects menu. If you want to select the whole file, then yes, you'll have to do a select all. There is also the trim feature which I haven't played with. that's not so helpful, but maybe the developer could add an option to play the file forwards or backwards depending on the option selected in the play section of the control properties. you should ask him if that's what you're thinking. hth

Dave C. Bahr
Facebook: Dave Bahr
Twitter: dcbahr

On 9/24/2012 11:14 PM, Rob Tabor wrote:
Hello Don and list.

I use Goldwave version 5.67 on a Windows 7 64 bit machine and had no trouble
with reverse continuous audio playback of an MP3 file from end to beginning.
I ran this test immediately before I responded to your querry to ensure I
was giving you accurate information. You should be able to resolve your
issues with reverse playback interruption by typing CTRL+A to assure your
total file is included within your edit start and finish markers. Premature
reverse playback stoppage is usually due to not having the entirety of the
file highlighted. Here's hoping this helps.
Best regards,
Rob "Jayhawk" Tabor

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Donald L. Roberts
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 12:42 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Goldwave settings question

I'm running Goldwave 5.67 on a Win 7 64-bit desktop.

In older versions of Gold Wave, if a file was open, the user could hit
F5 and the file would begin to play in reverse completely from the end to
the beginning.  I found this especially useful in situations where the
initial file length exceeds the actual length of the recorded material.  In
5.67, however, when one presses the F5 rewind key, the file rewinds only for
a few seconds and then stops.

Please tell me what if anything I can do to change this behavior so that the
file will play in reverse until I choose to stop it.

Remember, I am not talking about going into the settings to reverse the


Don Roberts

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