I have used about 10 different TTS programs. Never heard of the weather
one but will look for it. I settled on TEXT ALOUD! I run jaws 7 with
word2003 and TA does work well for me. You do have to learn some key
strokes but it does a good job. The other one I use to use was Dspeach.
it was pretty good but one day stopped working. 
There was a recent article on or from Flying Blind with a link to ? Gismo
where they tested at least 10 or more different TTS programs. Some were
free but TA was not mentioned. I so far am sticking with TA, it does a
great search in my longer documents. I also have about 15 voices I use to
switch around, like Daniel the best, he does a good job in pronouncing
difficult words. If there are better voices out there that will not break
your bank, let us know?
TickPub Thanks You,
All The Best And More,
Have A Great Week,
Regards And Respect From Michael!
Woman is 57 But Looks 27
Mom publishes simple facelift trick that angered doctors...

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