Hello Listers,

I have a rather frustrating issue with my HP cd usb drive, and have for a long time, but have now become frustrated enough to try to get something done about it. No matter what setting I use within CDEX, I don't seem to get anything but what seems to be something like the lowest ripping speed possible. I do not have this problem when using Nero for copying data from my hard drive to a cd, but CDEX is a real head scratcher for me when it comes to ripping.

I have the drive setting set to the standard setting for ripping, and 44 for drive speed, and have tried other drive settings, well at least the one associated with HP drives, but that one will rip to a file, but give me absolutely no audio, but only some faint sounding beeping noises, which aren't very helpful. As it is, I swear, it takes me maybe about 1 third or more of the time it would take to listen to the cd to rip the things.

I am currently using 1.70 beta 2. I think this is the latest build. I am also still using XP if that might be a factor, but some how I don't think so.

Anyway, if someone could give me an optimum setting or two to try, it would be greatly appreciated,


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