Gracenotes, the company that used to provide that information to winamp, was
sold to another group. Therefore, none of the tagging features in Winamp
work any more. I don't see this being fixed any time soon.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Olesen
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 2:31 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Really strange problem with winamp 5.07
Hi list,
I’m writing for a friend do have winamp and he uses version 5.07.
Until now it has presented the cd tracks fine, when he inserted a cd in the
But this functionality has stopped working. Now Jaws only says Artist
unknown, Album unknown and so on.
Any help will be highly apreciated.
He don’t wanna upgrade to the latest version as it has some issues. For
example it recognises all external drives as a portable music player and
wants to add them, which is annoying.
Best regards