And a heart felt thank you to David for all his work on Audacity and Jaws
-----Original Message----- From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of David Bailes Sent: Monday, 16 June 2014 10:32 PM To: PC-audio Subject: Re: noise reduction with Audacity Hi Dave, the noise removal effect in audacity involves two steps. The first is to get a noise profile, and the second is to use that for noise removal. Step one - get noise profile. 1. Select a small section of audio where there's only background noise. To do this first make sure the track is selected (pressing enter toggles whether the track is selected). Then select a time range which contains only background noise. One way of doing this is to press spacebar to start playback, press left bracket (next to letter p) where you want the start of the time range, press right bracket where you want the end of the time range, and press spacebar to stop. If you now press spacebar, this will playback only the time range, and so you can check that you've got just background noise. 2. On the effects menu, choose noise removal, and the dialog opens. 3. press the get noise profile button. The dialog closes. Step two - use the profile for noise removal. 1. Select all the audio. You can do this by pressing ctrl+a. 2. On the effects menu, choose noise removal, and the dialog opens. 3. There are a number of settings for noise removal in the dialog, but to accept the defaults, just tab to the ok button and press it. There is more info on noise removal on this page from the manual: And there's more info for users of screen readers in this guide: David. original message: Hi everybody, I'm attempting to use Audacity to remove background noise from a sound file. I need the benefit of anybody out there's experience as to how to use the noise reduction feature. In other words, Help! help! Help! Thanks in advance for any information. Dave Trevino