Hi alexandra, as you see from the subject line, it is 170 beta2. that is the latest version i have. what happens if i try to convert an ogg file is this. it appears to do the conversion, and if i go to where the converted file should be, it is there. it will tell me the size of the converted file in bytes. if i then open it in foobar, it will show me at the bottom of the xcreen come up one with 8, what rate the conversion was done at, whether the file is in mono or stereo, and the length of the file in hours and minutes. there is one problem, although foobar says it has it loaded, it won't play it. i then loaded the file in to soundforge7. it also acknowledged that it had it loaded, would give me the details in rate and length of the file, but wouldn't play it. my friend is still using 151, and he says it will still convert ogg to mp3. i had this programme myself, but when later versions came out, i moved to them, assuming that they would do everything that 151 would do. at present i have versions 160 and 170 beta2 on this machine. 160 behaves the same as 170 with regard to ogg files conversions. if you remember alexandra, i tried to reinstall 151 again, and you helped me with the ini file. i failed to do that, as 151 can't find the directory where i have put the files to convert. well, there it is, all of it. best wishes, brian.

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