Only my way of thinking of course but it does sound to me like very unecessary and time wasting work doing something like this and I say that with a variety of reasons in mind.

Yes, I do udnerstand that many of us are cash strapped - thought I'd point that out before those who can't read eMail waste more band width <smile> - but when all is said and done you're probably going to throw more good money after bad.

Secondly, the picture quality of composet is nothing like that of even S-Video and certainly nothing like the quality of HDMI, that's not an Issue I myself am worried about however for those who want to watch videos from your Apple TV? Well they're going to be incredibly disappointed.

Next is the fact that HDMI does far more than send video to a TV, HDMI is a digital link which is interactive so I'm not at all surprised that some people may have had problems getting converter boxes working with an Apple TV particuarly when it comes to Voiceover.

Given that HDMI TV'S are literally being given away these days I'm sure it wouldn't take you all that long to find one and of course we're not talking about the latest TV'S either.

I have a Samsung 19 inch model here which - whilst isn't a 4K ultra HDTV - does a very good job I'm told by those who watch it, I'm planning on getting something bigger in the future but its not a priority for obvious reasons and - even suppose I did get something bigger - where would i put it? The 19 inch Samsung sits very nicely thanks in my cabinet.

When I first got that TV I didn't have my Donon HDMI Receiver so I ran a HDMI lead from the Apple TV to the Samsung Television and then ran an Optical Digital link from the TV to the Yamaha Receiver which I was using at the time so both picture and sound quality were more than reasonable doing things this way, just some points for you to ponder.

On 2/11/2014 5:26 AM, Frank Ventura wrote:
Hi all, has anyone had any luck connecting an AppleTV to RCA (red/white audio 
and yellow video - composite) jacks on a pre-amp or receiver? I have tried 
several adaptors without any success.

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