Brilliant instructions. Thank you so much. Really useful

Johny Cassidy

BBC Business & Economics 

New Broadcasting House

TEL:  0203 6142555

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Mike Bernard
Sent: 02 December 2014 17:24
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Need to makeup some cds.

Good morning Carlis,
Its quite simple actually. All you have to do is the following:
1. Insert a blank cdr disk into the cd/dvd drive of your computer. If you
get a message  that asks you what you want the computer to do, just press
alt f 4 to close this window.
2. Now start up windows explorer by pressing windows key and the letter E.
Once open, arrow up and down through the list of drives and folders until
you find the folder where your mp3 files are located and press tab to open
3. select everything in that folder by pressing control A then press control
c to copy them to the clipboard.
4. Press shift-tab to close this window and arrow down to the burner drive,
and press tab to open that drive.
5. Now, press control V to paste everything in.
6. Press the applications key to bring up the context menu and press T. This
will bring up the burn wizard. You'll be asked to name the cd. The default
name will be the current date unless you decide to give the cd a different
7. Then tab to the next button and press it.
8. A new window will come up asking you if you want to make an audio cd, or
a data cd. Windows Media Player is normally set to audio cd by default. If
it isn't, then use your arrow keys to navigate to the audio cd option. Then
press tab until you get to next and press enter or press spacebar.
9. At this point, Windows media player itself will open.
10. The easiest way to get to the start burn button, is to shift tab 9
times. Once you find the burn button, press spacebar and wait. Do not do
anything until you hear the cd drive's moter stop and the cd ejects. Once
the cd is done burning, you can press alt f 4 to close Windows Media Player.
You should then see an icon on your screen called audio cd E or something
similar. Once you find this icon, press the applications key again and press
F. You will then see a message that asks you to confirm that you want to
remove the files from the temporary area where they had been placed prior to
burning the cd. Either tab to the yes button or press alt Y. This will clear
the burn list. Now your cd is ready for your friend to play in his cd
player, just like a store-bought cd. Hope this helps. Hope you have a nice
Christmas and Happy New Year.
Rochester, NY.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Carliss
Sent: Tuesday, December 2, 2014 7:45 AM
Subject: Need to makeup some cds.


Please help me burn some cds. there a brother in the churdch that I atend
he's on a walker and he heard some of my christian music and would like to
have some, which I don't mind doing.  however, all my music is in MP3 format
and its been a very long time since I burned cds with windows media player
or the other tools in windows7, so, please if you will, give me a quicky
lesson? If I remember right, windows media player would change the format to
where it may be played on any michine? Thanks to all!




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