Steve, There were people that were complaining about the support not working correctly for accessibility. claiming that nothing read in the search results nor in the menus.
I for one have had no problems with tapin radio.
On 1/25/2015 5:17 PM, Steve Pattison wrote:
Hi all,

The following message from the developer of TapinRadio was posted on Twitter a couple of days ago:

For visually impaired users be patient as QT support is experiencing some issues with accessibility but we're preparing new version. Please try the beta version which might solve the accessibility issues

End of tweets.

This link is a direct link to download TapinRadio version 1.60.2 beta2. Actually I hadn't noticed any accessibility issues in the previous version. I've been running this beta for a couple of days now and although it is in beta it seems very stable and I haven't had any problems with it.

If you want to follow the developer of TapinRadio on Twitter the username is tapin_radio

Regards Steve.

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