Yeah, the fact that the subject line is "video recording" doesn't make it as 
obvious as you'd wish. In any case. I too was saddened. Not only cause of DVR, 
but because it was accessible TV over all. All though there are going to be TVs 
with accessibility on them. Another cool thing about Media Center was that it 
was an accessible DVD player. They got rid of it because not enough people used 
it apparently. Well if they had promoted it more and made it more obvious to 
find. Leo Laporte read something where it said most people that even found it 
found it by axident. Pluss and I know some will jump on the wagon and say 
people are lazy with this, but it was too damb hard to set up. The reason I 
bring up this is because it wasn't simply screw in the cable to the TV tuner 
and boom you're live. No, you have to set up the signel, choose the channels, 
tell it that well in my case Comcast is the provider and all that. Easy enough 
for a home theater geeks, but your average person? Ask average Joe what Clear 
Cam is, or ATSC. They don't know this. Even though MS had hard to find pages on 
it, it still might go over people's heads. So yeah, that's why. I wish too they 
had updated it. Think about it. If they did get the licence for Blu-ray it 
would be an accessable Blue-ray player. Power DVD aint. One must just suck up 
to it because it's the most common one. Yeah there are apparently others, but 
they aren't too well known. Oh yeah the Video thing doesn't make it so obvious 
because when I hear video for instance, I think your own vids. Connecting a Web 
cam to your pc and making a youtube Vid and stuff.
 Not DVR like you were suggesting.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 7:35 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Video Recording From Your PC, What's Next?


I was very sad to learn that Microsoft have decided not to continue the 
development of Windows Media Centre which came as a standard part of Windows 7 
Home Premium and above and was available as an optional extra for Windows 8.x, 
it won’t be available for Windows 10.

So what does one do for video recording on a Windows computer.

There’s only one option I know of and that’s XBMC however the last time I tired 
this with Windows 7 I couldn’t access it in any way shape or form, there might 
be ways to set it up so it can be controlled or accessed from the XBMC 
Controller Smart Phone Apps and that’s something I’m investigating.

So - assuming all is lost for Windows - what now?

It looks as though its time to place some faith in the FetchTV Set Top Box.

The Smart Phone Apps are very accessible to the point where you can schedule 
programmes to be recorded from the TV guide.

So what’s all this got to do with the Windows PC? The recordings you make can 
be accessed by our computer if you want to do things that way, you can play 
them with Windows Media Player, VLC or whatever.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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