
There are two approaches to ripping CD's in Windows Media Player of which I am 
aware.  In another note, you were 
referred to the "Ripping" tab of the options dialog.  On that tap, you can 
check a box that will rip CD's 
automatically when you insert one.  It will check first to be sure it was not 
already ripped.  You can also specify 
what type of files will be created on that tab.  This works good if you are 
ripping a bunch of them at once.

If you don't want to rip automatically, make sure the associated checkbox is 
not cheched.  When you insert a CD, you 
should be focused on the "Now Playing" tab of Windows Media Player.  If you are 
not on that tab, pressing CONTROL-3 
should bring you there.  Once the CD is playing, you should find a "Rip CD" 
button by tabbing around that dialog.

Best regards,

Steve Jacobson

On Sun, 7 Jun 2015 23:35:31 -0400, Gary Petraccaro wrote:

>Running Win7 64-bit and can't find how to rip to mp3 using WMP.  Would 
>appreciate either simple instructions or 
being pointed to a tutorial.

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