
Firstly an apology, I have been referring to this radio as the Sangean ATS-405X, no such model number exists and the radio is in fact the Sangean ATS-405, an upgraded Sangean ATS-404 if you like.

I've had the radio for a couple of days now and it hasn't taken me long to realise that I'm dealing with an incredibly powerful receiving tool indeed given the various options that can be configured.

The radio has many secondary functions that can be switched on and of or adjusted to suit conditions at the time of listening, some of these functions can enhance weak signal reception whilst other enhance the listening experience from this radio.

At first I though the speaker of the ATS-405 sounded very odd, no bottom and too brighter top, that all changed however when I discovered that I had the "Music/Normal/News" tone switch in the "News" mode, why radio manufacturers bother with this tone switch is a mystery to me but they do and I'd always recommend using a radio in the "Music" mode, only my personal preference. When the "Music" position was selected the sound of the radio became enjoyable, not as much bottom as found in the Tecsun PL880 but enough to satisfy from a small portable radio.

The ATS-405 has 3 band width settings on the AM broadcast band, I much prefer the middle setting, the 6KHZ setting sounds a little too bright for my taste however for log sessions listening to talk or sports broadcasts then I can understand its appeal.

The local/DX distance control is in the form of a button rather than a switch.

2 Alarms can be set for either radio or buzzer, I like the beeping of the buzzer, a nice mid-range beep which is easy to hear.

So what about those extra controls I mentioned? I'll summaries those below and thanks to Jay for assisting me in putting together the list.

The number buttons enable adjustment of the following functions when the "Fine Tune" button of the radio is held, the radio beeps and you are placed into the menu system of the radio, the number buttons have the following functions.

1 - Squelch h
2 - T Mute (tuning muting)
3 - S-Mute (Soft Mute)
4 - 9/10K
5 - Step
6 - AGC
7 - RDS CT
8- 12/24 Hour
9 - Light
0 - Center Bottom - Memory Delete

Turning off the Tune Muting enables the user to hold down either up/down and hear the radio as it steps up/down the band, some radios enable this function whilst others do not but its good to see a radio that offers the user the choice.

Disabling soft muting may enable the easy hearing of weaker stations without specifically finding the perfect direction the radio should be pointing in, again its good to see a radio finally offering a choice of on/off for this function.

Setting the AGC level will certainly make a difference when trying to find those weaker stations, set it to low when listening to local stronger signals.

So how have I found performance? The radio is fast becoming a favourite of mine for AM listening, weaker signals are well received and audio quality makes them perfectly understandable, this radio has better AM performance than the Tecsun PL-660 and PL-880, its on a par with some of the best performing AM radio sets I have.

Reception of Short Wave is very good, I think the Tecsun sets are slightly better but given the Sangean's price of $95 I think the performance on Short Wave is a winning one.

FM is not quite as good as on my CC 2/E, Tecsun PL-880 or Sangean ATS-909X but its good enough and I doubt too many people will find a problem with it, certainly above the performance of most other radio sets around.

to conclude I think - for a dedicated portable using DSP Technology at a bargain basement price - Sangean have done a great job. I find myself scratching my head looking for any serious flaws or for anything to complain about and on both scores the reading comes to near zero.

The common "Birdy's" found on sets using the DSP chips aren't found though the radio can exhibit some strange noises if its turned up to full volume at times, again not a problem as most people I know just don't turn their radio sets up to full volume.

The headphones output is superb, excellent quality particularly when listening to stereo FM broadcasts.


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