Try Video Redo TV Suite and see how you get on, I've not used it with the specific file types you mention so I'm not sure whether the format is compatible with the software but most likely it is.

Video Redo has plenty of shortcut keys to keep you going, in some places the interface is a little odd looking but nothing that can't be used.

On 9/15/2015 1:50 PM, john riehl wrote:
HI, everyone. Our synagogue has  just gotten an on-line streaming
capability. The files which the service creates can be downloaded and
edited. The files contain both audio and video and have the extension .flv .
Does anyone know of accessible software which will let me edit these files?
Note that, although I obviously can't see the video, I want to edit the
files themselves, not extract just the audio.


John riehl


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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