also not sure if you all new this but netflix app has audio description here in the states. only work around for those out side the states is to get a vpn or a proxy to get passed the region block

On 10/26/2015 7:18 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
I’m using a Samsung Note4 running the latest version of Talkback and Android 
Lollypop version 5.1.1

Browsing doesn’t seem to give me much of a problem, swipe left and right 
through categories and up/down amongst those, is that what you were looking for?

I have heard others talk about problems using Netflix with IOS and others 
comparing their experiences with the App on IOS and Android.  All have said 
that the Android app was is far easier to use and far more accessible however 
those statements were made a little while ago thus I took them with a grain of 
salt thinking that perhaps the IOS version may improve the accessibility given 
user feedback and so on.

On 27 Oct 2015, at 1:08 PM, Mary Otten <> wrote:

What android device are you using? What I want to know is if you are
able to scroll through movies or documentaries etc, move from one
category to another and see all the things in that category easily. And
how does that work, gesture-wise from a talkback point of view?

My problem with Netflix on IOS has always been the funky way the
categories are arranged on the screen. It worked for a while with my
iPad mini. Then at some point, they "upgraded" and there went my
ability to flick through a given category or reliably move amongst

Searching is another matter. It is browsing that was always difficult.


Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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