Owners of these cans are in for a very pleasant surprise, go to the B&W home page, look up the P7, look under accessories and you'll find a 5 Meter cable available which can be interchanged with the other cables that came with the cans.

I amongst other P7 users have been voicing our frustrations about the lack of such a cable, up until now we've just had to slit on top of our Hi-Fi units to enjoy these excellent headphones but now - with the addition of this accessory - we can go bacou to reclining on our couches to relax and enjoy the rich musical experience the P7 offers whether you're on a mobile device or running it with your Hi-fi, its your choice.

The great news is that the cable isn't going to break your bank at only $25 U.S.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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