My experience is that you press "I" for start marker and "O" for end marker. It has also been my experience that setting the end marker first and then the start marker works best.



On 31/07/2016 6:38 AM, Joe Paton wrote:

It used to be that you set a start marker, left bracket I think, then a finish
marker, right bracket.

Now this is sound forge eight, so I don't know if this process holds good for
the version you are running.

Further, I seem to recall, that holding the shift key, as you use the arrow 
keys to move through a sound, didn't that used to select data?


On Sat, 30 Jul 2016 20:17:45 +0100
brian parker <> wrote:

HI list, i have already sent a message about this, but i rather foolishly 
forgot the subject line. i am using soundforge audio studio. can someone tell 
me how to mark a block for deletion. thanks, brian.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Brad

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