Finally got some time to work with Vinyl Studio Pro.

As list members will recall, I got some time this past weekend to sample a few Vinyl singles in my collection, I didn't have a lot of time at my disposal then so it was a hurried session, sample the singles using a Zoom H1 recorder connected to the line-out of the Rotal Amp to which the turntable was connected and hope to be able to import the recordings to Vinyl Studio Pro when time permitted, well time permitted today and I will summaries what took place and how everything was done.

The first thing that needs to be done - when you launch Vinyl Studio for the first time - is to create a record collection, Vinyl Studio Pro will do this by default.

Next you select ad a new Album - when the record collection database is created a new album is the next default screen You must fill in the data fields for that album and make adjustments - it may be a single you're bringing into your record collection so you tell Vinyl Studio Pro that with the "Single" Checkbox etc -. Once all the data is entered you can start importing the audio for that album and that's simply done by selecting the audio file/files that you sampled. I had my audio in FLAC format which Vinyl Studio Pro had no problem with importing. Once the audio is present in your Album you can tell Vinyl Studio Pro if the imported audio is a single file - needing splitting into tracks/sides - or if each file is a track/side thus you then have the ability to edit the data for each track of your Album or single. Once that step is completed Vinyl Studio performs some true magic offering the user the choice of where the audio is located. You can leave the original audio where you imported it from and Vinyl Studio Pro will link to it, move it to the "Recordings" folder of Vinyl Studio Pro or move the audio into your Album collection so the choice is yours. That's as far as I've gone but I still need to do more, I wish to clean the audio up a bit - the singles I imported are a little warn with a little fire in them (crackle) - and I wish to see how effective Vinyl Studio Pro is at handling a cleanup job so will look at that aspect again when time permits. You can of course record your records directly into Vinyl Studio Pro and that's what I had initially set out to do, never mind will tackle that at another time. Once the recording has been made you can have Vinyl Studio Pro split the recording into tracks thus you can edit the data for each at that point. And most importantly, Vinyl Studio Pro keeps track of all data at all times so the user can revert back to previous events or undo changes easily.

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