
Has anyone on list bought any Pure Audio Discs.

The format is fairly new - launched quietly in 2014 - and the collection of titles is in the dozen's so there's not thousands of titles to choose from at this stage.

Pure Audio Discs work with your Blu-Ray player and the record company's seem to think they're on to something given that more of a third of homes now have Blu-Ray players connected to some sort of surround-sound system and I have to admit the company's have a point, we don't normally see eye-to-eye <smile>.

Anyway the point of Pure Audio is for the enjoyment of HD audio for want of a better description, pop the disc into the player and press the play button, sit back in your favorite armchair and enjoy!

That's exactly what I've been doing with the first Pure Audio title I got my hands on, Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.

A quick comparison with the older CD version soon told me that my ears weren't deceiving me when it came to the Pure Audio version, the Pure Audio version is incredibly rich in fine detail compared to the CD version.

Anyway for those who love our music, keep an eye out for Pure Audio totiles, I've got a couple of Supertramp Pure Audio albums - Breakfast In America and Crime Of The Century - on order.

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